Starting a Business in Pennsylvania or New Jersey
When forming a business in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, it is highly recommended that you consult with a Bucks County business lawyer. There are many legal considerations that need to be made depending on the type, size, location and structure of your new Bucks County, Pennsylvania business.
Under certain circumstances, you may want to form a corporation under Pennsylvania business law. Other times a Pennsylvania limited liability company (LLC) may be the best business form for your new Bucks County business.
Other forms of business organizations in Bucks County include partnerships, limited partnerships (LP), limited liability partnerships (LLP), professional corporations (PC), and sole proprietorships.
Each new business in Bucks County, Pennsylvania should be structured in the proper legal form. Bucks County business attorney Michael J. Saile of Saile & Saile LLP will help you determine which business form is best for your new Bucks County business.
Saile & Saile, LLP will also register your new business with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, prepare a business operating agreement, and all other important legal documents for your new Bucks County business.
It is extremely important that you set up your new Bucks County business properly. If you do not utilize the services of an experienced Bucks County business lawyer, you may not have the protections that certain business forms such as the corporation or LLC have to offer.